Investigation Launched into Delta Air Lines Flight Delayed for 90 Minutes at Las Vegas Airport Amid Triple-Digit Temperatures

 Federal authorities have initiated an investigation into a Delta Air Lines flight that remained grounded at the Las Vegas airport for nearly 90 minutes on Monday, with temperatures soaring into triple digits. The prolonged delay resulted in at least one passenger requiring medical attention.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg expressed his concern over the incident in an interview with Reuters, which was confirmed by a transportation department official. Buttigieg stated, "The reports are shocking, and we are investigating. I want to know how it was possible for passengers to be left in triple-digit heat onboard an aircraft for that long."

The transportation department official further confirmed that the airline would be held accountable for any violations, including those related to the duration of airplane grounding with passengers onboard.

Federal regulations mandate that major US airlines allow passengers to deplane if a delay exceeds three hours for domestic flights and four hours for international flights. Additionally, airlines must provide snacks and water to passengers if the delay extends beyond two hours.

Delta Air Lines, in response to the investigation, has acknowledged the incident and is fully cooperating with the authorities. The airline has also issued an apology for the inconvenience caused to passengers and expressed its concern for the well-being of the individual who required medical attention due to heat-related discomfort.

Furthermore, Delta is actively examining the factors that contributed to the uncomfortable temperatures inside the cabin during the taxiing process.

FlightRadar24, an airplane tracking website, provided data showing that the Boeing 757 aircraft taxied away from the gate at the Las Vegas airport on Monday afternoon but never took off. Instead, the plane taxied to the end of a runway before making a complete turnaround and returning to the terminal.

According to FlightRadar24, the entire loop took at least 86 minutes.

When airlines violate delay regulations, they can face substantial fines. In a previous instance, Delta incurred a $750,000 fine for 11 flights that violated the rule. However, the airline received credit towards the fine by compensating customers with $450,000 and making significant investments in technology and process upgrades.

As the investigation unfolds, it is crucial for airlines to prioritize passenger safety and comfort, especially during unforeseen circumstances like extreme weather conditions. Timely and transparent communication with passengers can help alleviate the frustration and stress caused by flight delays, ensuring a smoother travel experience for everyone involved. Airlines should continue to review and improve their operational procedures to minimize the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future.

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